v10 Pocketfold Released

I am still working on the instructions, but since I have play-tested this a bunch and feel like it is complete, I decided why not release it early for those that want to try it out. As of right now, I don't anticipate any more changes before I get the instructions done. Until then, I am leaving up the v9 documents.

Speaking of instructions, this is going to be a rather large document, covering the following:

  • Printing
  • Folding, with pictures
  • A very brief primer on the Mythic system
  • The different "modes" that it can be folded into
  • Explanations and examples for every table
  • An example Actual Play showcasing how all the tables work together
  • Updated credits and links to all the sources used for inspiration

Oh, and there will be screen-readable versions (where the tables are all oriented the same way) as well as A4 versions for those across the pond.

After all that is done, the source code used to make this will be released on Github, along with all the tables in text, json, markdown, and png format. I want this to be easy to share and hack on.

I'm slowly making progress on this in my free time, so just bear with me!


Juice v10 Pocketfold (11/13/24).pdf 1.5 MB
77 days ago

Get Juice Oracle


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Hey! Cool system! I just have one question: how can I generate keywords for random events, like in v9? Cause I just see 20 verbs and some adjectives, but other than that and the nouns from the Meaning table, idk what to do.


On the "back" page (the one with Quest at the top, when everything is folded up) there is a Random Event table in the middle section.

So lets say you are asking a Fate question, and you roll double blanks (using the + / 0 / - Fate dice). That triggers a random event. Roll on the table. Lets say you rolled a 4. That corresponds to Immersion Event, so you would then roll on the Immersion table.

If instead you rolled "Plot Armor", then you can help your character get out of a sticky situation to move the story forward. Or perhaps you rolled "Remove Event". This indicates something happens far away, that might not be related to what your character is doing right now. If you don't have any ideas right away of what that remote event might be, then roll on the meaning tables. Lets say you roll 2d20 and get 11,13: "Activate Aromatic". Maybe that means a town has just opened a bakery and is making super delicious never-before-seen food, how would that change the economy and travel conditions? Or maybe it means some toxic sludge monster has made an appearance.

The Random Event table is really designed to help trigger things you may normally forget about during normal play, such as managing lists, advancing time, and keeping the world around you alive.

Not sure if that helps, but hopefully!


This is extremely cool.


Thanks! I hope it is useful to you :)